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USG Pipeline Public Awareness Program

The United States Gypsum Company maintains and operates multiple natural gas pipelines that run outside of the limits of the USG plant fence lines. To help reduce the chance of third-party damage to the these pipelines, a Public Awareness Program (PAP) has been developed. Please contact the corporate Manager of Pipelines and Thermal System at 312-436-6328 for a written copy of the USG PAP brochure.

The goal of the USG PAP is to protect people, property and the environment by educating stakeholders working and living near USG natural gas pipelines.

The PAP provides safety information about pipeline routes, information on how to identify and react to pipeline emergencies, and methods available for contacting USG. The safety information also covers the usage of the One-Call system before excavation to help reduce the potential of third-party damage.

The USG PAP and provisions set forth are applicable only to pipelines operated by USG under its operator identification (OPID) number 20236. USG owned pipelines operated by third-party operators under their own OPID are not subject to the USG PAP.

Pipeline Plant County Intrastate Transmission (miles) Local Emergency Contact One Call Number
Fort Dodge, IA Webster 3.4 Andrew McCollom
Oakfield, NY Genesee 3 Ray Tamblin
Rainier, OR Columbia 12.8 Joe Hayden
Washingtonville, PA Lycoming/ Montour 17.3 Jason Brangers
Aliquippa, PA Beaver 2.4 Jason Brangers
Bridgeport, AL * Jackson City/ Marion City 15.5 Jason Brangers
Greenville, MS * Washington 2 Jeff Tharpe

*Bridgeport & Greenville pipelines are owned by USG but operated by a third party.
Please contact the local emergency contact for information of their PAP.

The following sources have been used in developing the United States Gypsum Company Gas Pipelines Public Awareness Program:

  • CFR § 192.616
  • API Recommended Practice 1162, Reaffirmed, October 2015