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Virtual Acoustics Experience™

Virtual Acoustics Experience™

Experience sound in an immersive 3D experience!

Experience sound in an immersive 3D experience!

Welcome to the USG Virtual Acoustics Experience™, a realistic sound-simulation tool that makes it possible to experience the acoustical performance of different ceiling solutions prior to construction. It can help architects and designers understand the importance of sound absorption in different spaces within the built environment.

The Experience


Virtual Acoustics Experience™ (VAE)


Open the experience, immerse yourself in the sights, and sounds of USG ceilings products in various finished spaces.

With this experiential tool, you can understand how different ceilings influence
how a space sounds as well as how it visually appears in representative spaces.
VAE users experience sound absorption and reverberation time (RT), as defined by
the room configurations they select. The science of the application is a physics-
based algorithm, assessing the modeled characteristics of each environment.


USG is turning numerical sound performance data into a relatable experience,
giving the design community enhanced confidence when selecting the ideal
acoustical ceiling for occupants. This knowledge can assist architects and
designers with their ceiling selections throughout the phases of design and construction.