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Durock™ Brand Tile Backer Tape

Strong, long-lasting glass-fiber tape that provides high-quality joint reinforcement indoors and out.



Strong, long-lasting glass-fiber tape that provides high-quality joint reinforcement indoors and out. Durock™ Brand Tile Backer Tape is specifically engineered to provide a strong, long-lasting hold for interior and exterior cement board joints, corners and abutments. Made from alkali-resistant, polymer-coated glass-fiber mesh, the tape is crack-resistant and can ensure the job gets done right the first time.

Main Features

Durock™ Brand Tile Backer Tape can be used for interior and exterior joint reinforcement projects and comes in two different sizes depending on the application.
  • Alkali-resistant glass-fiber construction
  • Reinforces joints and corners of cement board in exterior substrate applications and interior tile or thin-brick applications
  • Reinforces joints and corners of USG Fiberock® Panels in interior tile applications
  • Sizes for interior (2-inch wide) and exterior (4-inch wide) joint reinforcement

Documents & Files

Data Sheets & Specifications

Data/Submittal Sheet (English) PDF 54.5 KB

Catalogs & Brochures

System Catalog (English)
Brochure (English) PDF 3.1 MB

SDS, Certifications & Reports

SDS (English) PDF 106.6 KB

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