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White Art Plaster

Specially formulated interior casting plaster for creating hollow and solid novelty art castings.



Specially formulated interior casting plaster for creating hollow and solid novelty art castings. Surface-hardening agent minimizes paint absorption.

Main Features

White Art Plaster is a superior interior casting plaster specially formulated for creating hollow and solid novelty art castings, such as statues, moldings and lamps that might be painted. White art plaster:
  • Is similar in working properties to USG® molding/casting plasters, except it contains a surface hardening agent that reduces paint absorption when the dried cast is finished
  • Offers excellent reproduction of intricate detail
  • Sets in 27-37 minutes after mixing
  • Requires 70 parts water by weight per 100 parts plaster
NOTE — For best storage results, keep indoors in a dry, stable environment, away from drafts. Do not stack more than two pallets high.

Documents & Files

Data Sheets & Specifications

Data/Submittal Sheet (English) PDF 232.6 KB

Catalogs & Brochures

System Catalog (English) PDF 18.5 MB
Brochure (English)

Installation & Technical Manuals

Installation Guide (English)

SDS, Certifications & Reports

SDS (English) PDF 148.0 KB
SDS (Spanish) PDF 113.8 KB
Certificates (English) PDF 158.1 KB

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  • Questions should relate to this product specifically.
  • For help with pricing, availability, or delivery, please call 800.874.4968 (Monday–Friday, 7am–6pm Central)
  • All questions and answers follow USG’s Terms & Conditions.
  • Your question and USG’s answer may be posted to this page in the future, but none of your personal info will be included.

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q & a

  • How can I finish cast plaster products?

    Most paints are acceptable finishes for plaster. It is critical to make sure the plaster cast is dry before applying a finish. If painting requires areas of color detail, the recommendation is that a base coat be applied before the details are painted.

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    Call our Technical Support team at 800-874-4968 (Monday-Friday, 7:30 am - 4 pm Central).
