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Surrey Outpatient Care Case Study

While designing the interior ceilings for the Surrey Outpatient Hospital in Surrey, British Columbia, Kasian Architecture Interior Design and Planning were faced with the task of finding a product that combined a clean monolithic ceiling with excellent acoustical performance. They chose CGCs Logix™ Integrated Ceiling System with CGC Halycon™ Acoustical Ceiling Panels.

Other products used but not photographed on this project included CGC Astro™ Acoustical Ceiling Panels, CGC Donn® Brand DX®/DXL™ Acoustical Suspension System, CGC Compässo™ Edge trim, CGC Clean Room™ Acoustical Ceiling Panels, CGC Geometrix® 3-Dimensional Metal Panels and CGC Panz® Metal Panels.

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People Involved

Kasian Architecture Interior Design and Planning Ltd. Architect

Project Scope
