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Inspire and inform your newest ceiling projects.

Inspire and inform your newest ceiling projects.

Our new catalog experience is easy-to-use and navigate, so you can find the perfect ceiling product and system solution for your project.


CGC Sheetrock® UltraLight Pro Panel

CGC Sheetrock® UltraLight Pro Panel

Introducing our most durable, lightweight drywall yet

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Reduce, Reuse, Recycle

Reduce, Reuse, Recycle

A healthier planet starts with a circular economy

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CGC Ceilings Technix

CGC Ceilings Technix

Model Quickly, Create Beautifully

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  • 2025 Ceilings
    Solutions Catalog

  • Introducing
    UltraLight PRO

  • A healthier planet starts with a circular economy

  • Model Quickly
    Create Beautifully

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